About Phuket – Pearl of the Andaman
Practical information about Phuket
Helpful and useful information about Phuket are what the these pages are about, we provide them in the hope that they may enable you better enjoy your visit to Phuket.
Advice and examples of the different types of accommodation available on Phuket from beach bungalows to high end villas, there is something to suit all tastes and budgets.
Thai food is deservedly world renown and Phuket has a plethora of eateries to indulge yourself. We provide descriptions of some of Thailand’s favourites both non-spicy and red hot.
Although the Weather seems to be changing in recent years it still conforms to a basic pattern of a dry season and a wet season, we provide more insight on our weather page.
An outline of the Geography of the island and a map.
A ‘start you off with Thai Language‘ page. We realise that you can’t learn more than a few basics on a short holiday but picking up a few phrases can be fun and is appreciated by the locals.
An outline of Phuket’s history for those interested and some real practical information about Visa’s, money exchange, telephones services, hospitals and more.
A page of useful phone numbers, emergency and otherwise including embassies, hospitals, polices and numbers for lost credit cards.
And not least some information and advice on the two tier pricing system that exists here, how to spot it and what to do to try to avoid it.
Please take advantage of any pages that may be useful to you and if you have any suggestions for topics we have overlooked please let us know.
Phuket is one of the top holiday destinations in the world – situated off the West Coast of Thailand, connected to Phang Nga Province on the mainland via road bridge. It is surrounded by many smaller islands, all well worth visiting. Being the second smallest province of Thailand at 576 km2 (222 square miles) it is home to beautiful beaches, exotic nightlife and many tourist attractions.
Within these pages we will attempt to give you some insight into the culture, history, climate and some Braun Car Hire tips on getting the most out of your holiday!
We hope this information about Phuket will prove both interesting and informative.